Bali Blockchain Center

Contact Us

Request for Being Speakers

For our pationate leader, founder, developer and blockchain entusiast. Have a topic in mind and want to be a speaker on one of our Blocktalk Event, submit your request and our team will contacting you.

Request for Collaboration

We are open to every Blockchain community, company and government to collaborate to us. To collaborate we need to be in the same vision and aim the same objective to spreading blockchain and helping create Bali as the capital of Blockchain Technology.

Request to Using The Vanue for Blockchain Events

We have Discussionn room, NFT gallery and meet up venue, for Blockchain community that want to hosting their event in Bali Blockchain Center, please fill this form and our team will contacting you

Meet us

Discover the dynamic synergy of Dharma Negara Alaya, where we invite you to explore a realm of possibilities and engage in open, insightful conversations. Connect with us, share experiences, and dive into the world of blockchain innovation in an environment dedicated to fostering meaningful communication."

Request for
Being Speakers

For our pationate leader, founder, developer and blockchain entusiast. Have a topic in mind and want to be a speaker on one of our Blocktalk Event, submit your request and our team will contacting you.

Request for Collaboration

We are open to every Blockchain community, company and government to collaborate to us. To collaborate we need to be in the same vision and aim the same objective to spreading blockchain and helping create Bali as the capital of Blockchain Technology.

Request to Using the Venue for
Blockchain Event

For our pationate leader, founder, developer and blockchain entusiast. Have a topic in mind and want to be a speaker on one of our Blocktalk Event, submit your request and our team will contacting you.

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